Flossophy Dental

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Crown Lengthening

Occasionally, when a tooth has decay underneath the gum line, or when a tooth is broken off at the gum line, there needs to be more of the crown exposed to work on. At Flossophy Dental in Edmonton, AB, we perform crown lengthening to do just this.

The process of crown lengthening consists of removing gum tissue to expose more of the tooth so it can be worked on. Your dentist will make incisions in the gum tissue to pull away the gums. If bone needs to be pulled away, as well, this will be performed next. The area will then be rinsed and the gums are stitched into place. Decay can then be worked on shortly after. If a crown is being placed on the tooth, the gums will have to heal first, as they tend to shrink as they heal.

Crown lengthening may also be used cosmetically when there is too much gum tissue. This is commonly referred to as “gummy smile”. The teeth appear shorter than they are because of the excess gum tissue.

A pain reliever will be useful for your recovery. Use as directed by your dentist. Eat soft foods until healing has progressed. Be very careful when brushing or flossing. Do not rinse your mouth our vigorously.

If you are in need of work performed below your gum line, or you are unhappy with your excess gum tissue, the experienced doctors of Flossophy Dental in Edmonton, AB are able to perform crown lengthening for you. To schedule your appointment, call our office at (780) 306-9333 or visit our website, www.flossophydental.ca

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